InfluenceHer Collective

essentials-kit, production-inkjet, page-wide,

InfluenceHer Collective

Her Campus is the #1 media site for college women, written entirely by the world’s top college journalists. Her Campus launched InfluenceHer Collective, a blogger network of more than 4,000 millennial influencers. The goal: To connect brands with its large community of female Millennial and Gen Z influencers. One of the network’s many offerings to its subscribing members is its seasonal InfluenceHer Essentials Kit. Each season, subscribers receive a new kit filled with products targeted to young women and recommended by the group’s influencers.

Not surprisingly, the InfluenceHer Collective team wants The Essentials Kit to be attractively printed with the style of its brand and the theme of the season. The expectation is that the box’s print quality will be consistent in quality from order to the next. Thus, InfluenceHer Collective engaged the CompanyBox team for help in producing a delightful box with vibrant graphics. The strategy for relevance and quality manufacturing appears to be paying off for Her Campus as the membership base continues to grow.

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