
Sustainable folding box of corrugated cardboard

The sales packaging for the Venta brand air cleaners are an optimal example of successful digital printing. Small to medium editions are especially suited for this. The individual printing, as is used for the sales packaging of Venta, is only one more advantage of digital printing.

The sales packaging for the air cleaner is a folding box of corrugated cardboard. What is special?: The sales packaging is printed digitally and can in this way shine with various, individual print motifs. The design always remains the same and need not be adapted. This is especially interesting for sales packaging that is sold in various countries. Discover digital printing and find out more about its advantages.

For the design of the sales packaging according to 0201 of the Fefco catalogue, the bottom and lid flaps are extended to achieve even greater stability and offer the optimal foundation for the printing of the sales packaging.

The product itself is additionally protected in the sales packaging by two Styrofoam inserts at the top and bottom.

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